Frequently asked questions

Is there a dance this Friday night?

The answer is almost always YES! We have a dance every Friday night. When in doubt, for example if it is Christmas Day or it happens to be snowing heavily, please check out our website or Facebook page.

If a dance is cancelled for any reason, whether it is a scheduled closure or a tough decision, we will always inform you as far ahead as we possibly can and the information will be posted on our website and on our Facebook page.

The best way to stay up to date is to follow us on Facebook. We post our events each week so you can find out who is teaching and DJing, or if we’re having a band night or a special theme – all good things to know! We also run workshops and special events from time to time and they’ll all be posted on our website and Facebook page as soon as the information is available.

Do I need to have any dance experience? Do I need a partner?

NO. We welcome brand new dancers, whether you are alone or with a friend. All of our Friday nights start with a beginner lesson at 7:45 where you will learn the basic steps of East Coast Swing, as well as a few cool moves. Dancers of all levels of experience attend the lesson and you will rotate partners frequently.

Do I have to rotate partners during the lesson?

We strongly encourage rotating partners. Dancing with new people  is a big part of social dancing and there’s no better way to jump right in and meet new people than at the beginner lesson. Your dancing will improve much faster by dancing with partners of various levels of experience than it will by only dancing with one person or quietly fighting with your spouse while everyone else is having fun.

If you prefer not to rotate, we request that you step back from the circle and politely let others know that you are not rotating, so as not to cause confusion and delays for others.

What should I wear?

Swing dancing is an athletic activity, so you’ll want to wear clothes that allow you to move freely. Shoes should have clean, non-marking soles that won’t damage our dance floor. Whatever you decide to wear, whether you’re dressing in a vintage-inspired look or casual jeans and a t-shirt, you should choose something that you’re comfortable in. For beginner dancers, we recommend flat shoes with smooth soles that are not too ‘sticky’ on the dance floor.

Should I bring anything with me?

We sell snacks and beverages at our concession (cash only), but feel free to bring your own water bottle to keep yourself hydrated throughout the night.

In consideration of your dance partners, you might also want to bring some gum or breath mints, deodorant, a small towel, and/or a fresh shirt if you expect to get really sweaty. Please avoid using strong perfumes and colognes, as they can irritate those with allergies.

Does Royal City Swing have a Code of Conduct?

At Royal City Swing we are proud of how welcoming and inclusive our swing scene is. We want our attendees to have a fun, exciting, and inspiring experience and return week after week. We are dedicated to making sure our guests feel safe and accepted, no matter their gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, size, appearance, race or religion. In order to ensure this positive atmosphere, we are implementing the following anti-harassment policy:

No forms of harassment will be tolerated, which can include offensive verbal comments, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of workshops or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention. Anyone engaging in this type of behavior will be warned and/or ejected from the event without a refund at the organizer’s discretion.

If you feel unsafe or if something just doesn’t look right or feel right, if you are being harassed, notice that someone is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact us immediately. We will treat these issues with the strictest confidentiality. Your courage in coming forward can keep incidents from being repeated.

Here are some general notes about good conduct:

Our venue is a public space, be sure to keep an eye on your belongings.

If you are a parent of minors, be sure to chaperone your children appropriately. The majority of Royal City Swing Events are all ages, and accepting of minors. (Licensed events sometimes may have age restrictions, and will be clearly advertised as such.) If you are a concerned parent, please contact Royal City Swing organizers.

Apologize for accidental unwanted physical contact. Accidental contact includes dance floor collisions, kicks, and stepping on feet, as well as accidentally touching another person’s private parts.  Continually make an effort to improve your floorcraft so that future accidental events do not occur.

Accept when someone says ‘no’ to a dance. Every dancer has a right to ask anyone else to dance, and also the right to decline any dance.

Do not offer unsolicited advice to your fellow dancers. There is a time and a place for giving advice, and that time is not on the social dance floor. Even in classes, be sure to ask first before providing feedback.

Please do not sneak into the event without paying nor enable others to do so. It’s tacky and shows disrespect for the event, the bands/dj’s, the instructors, the organizer, and our scene in general depends on your entry admission to continue thriving.

Respect the venue and Royal City Swing property. Misuse of anything Royal City Swing owns/rents/leases will not be tolerated.

No soliciting without approvals. In general, we allow flyers for other swing dance events to be displayed at RCS; however, you must get approval from the organizers first.

Be considerate and respectful to the Royal City Swing organizers and volunteers. Remember that Royal City Swing is a non-profit organization and is run by volunteers who are working long hours for nothing more than the chance to enjoy our events. Please be kind to them.

For more Royal City Swing etiquette tips, click the button link below: